See All Reference Projects
INDUSTRIAL ALTINKAYA DAM INTAKE PIPES Design and Detailing The structural design and detailing services of Altinkaya Dam sluicegates and pipes, made of structural steel, were provided for Guris. SAMSUN GURIS A.S. 1984
INDUSTRIAL TMO IZMIR, BANDIRMA, BALIKESIR GRAIN SILOS Design and Detailing The structural design and detailing services of TMO Grain Silos, made of reinforced concrete, were provided for MNG Holding. BALIKESIR MNG HOLDING 1990
INDUSTRIAL TRASH HANDLING PLANT Design and Detailing The structural design and detailing services of 1500 ton/day Recycling Plant, made of structural steel and reinforced concrete, were provided for Nurol Makina. ISTANBUL NUROL MAKINA SAN. TIC. A.S. 1992
INDUSTRIAL COCA COLA FACTORY GALATI Design and Detailing The structural design and detailing services of Coca Cola Factory, made of structural steel and reinforced concrete, were provided for Prekons. ROMANIA PREKONS  A.S. 1994
INDUSTRIAL SET ANKARA CEMENT EXTENSION FACILITIES Design and Detailing The structural design and detailing services of Set Cement Ankara Factory Extension Facilities, made of structural steel and reinforced concrete, were provided for Genta. ANKARA GENTA A.S. 1994
BRIDGE ISTANBUL MUNICIPALITY HALIC PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE Design and Detailing The structural design and detailing services of Halic Pedestrian Bridge of Istanbul Municipality, made of structural steel, were provided for Gulermak. ISTANBUL GULERMAK  A.S. 1999
INDUSTRIAL ASELSAN PRODUCTION HALL Design and Detailing The structural design and detailing services of crane support columns and their foundations for Aselsan Production Hall, made of structural steel and reinforced concrete, were provided for Temsan. ANKARA TEMSAN A.S. 1999
INDUSTRIAL DIYARBAKIR TUNNELS Design and Detailing The structural design and detailing of Electromagnetic Protection “EMP” for Military Tunnels, made of structural steel and reinforced concrete, were provided for Temsan. DIYARBAKIR TEMSAN A.S. 1999
INDUSTRIAL KANGAL POWER PLANT Detailing The structural design and detailing services of shock absorbers of Kangal Power Plant, made of structural steel, were provided for Gama. SIVAS GAMA A.S. 1999
INDUSTRIAL NUH CEMENT TRAKYA AND ISPARTA FACILITIES Design and Detailing The structural design and detailing services of Nuh Cement Waste Facilities in Trakya and Isparta, made of structural steel, were provided for Gama. ISPARTA GAMA A.S. 1999
INDUSTRIAL TEZCAN CONTINUOUS GALVANIZING PLANT Design and Detailing The structural design and detailing services of Continuous Galvanizing Plant of Tezcan, made of structural steel and reinforced concrete, were provided for Gama. KOCAELI GAMA A.S. 1999
INDUSTRIAL SHOW TV BUILDING Design and Detailing The structural design and detailing services of 400 m² Roof and Antenna Dish Platform, made of structural steel, were provided for Temsan. ISTANBUL TEMSAN A.S. 1999
INDUSTRIAL ANKARA CEMENT 3RD  MILL UNIT Design and Detailing The structural design and detailing services of Ankara Cement Factory 3rd Mill Unit, made of structural steel, were provided for Genta. ANKARA GENTA A.S. 2000
INDUSTRIAL BAHRAIN ALBA PRECALCINATION PLANT Detailing The structural design and detailing services of Precalcination Plant in Alba, Bahrain, made of structural steel, were provided for Gulermak. BAHRAIN GULERMAK  A.S. 2000
INDUSTRIAL BIRLIK MAKINA AUTOMATED BAG LOADING FACILITY Design and Detailing The structural design and detailing services of Birlik Makina Bag Loading Facility, made of structural steel, were provided for Ulker. ANKARA ULKER 2000
INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT AND MEASUREMENT DEVICES BUSINESS CENTER Design and Detailing The structural  design and detailing services of 2000 m² 2 Story Office Building, made of structural steel, were provided for Temsan. ISTANBUL TEMSAN A.S. 2000
INDUSTRIAL KAHRAMANMARAS AND REYHANLI SILO FOUNDATIONS Design and Detailing The structural design and detailing services of two 2500 Ton Silo Foundations in Maras and Kahramanmaras, made of structural steel, were provided for Erkem Insaat. MARAS ERKEM INSAAT 2000
INDUSTRIAL KANGAL POWER PLANT Design and Detailing The structural design and detailing services of Unit 3 Transfer Towers of Kangal Power Plant, made of structural steel, were provided for Gama. SIVAS GAMA A.S. 2000
BRIDGE SEYHAN LIGHT RAIL BRIDGE Design and Detailing The structural design and detailing services of Light Rail Bridge in Seyhan, made of structural steel, were provided for Nurol Makina. ADANA NUROL MAKINA SAN. TIC. A.S. 2001
INDUSTRIAL TURKMENBASI REFINERY Detailing The structural design and detailing services of V-103 Tank Platforms of Turkmenbasi Refinery, made of structural steel, were provided for Gama. TURKMENISTAN GAMA A.S. 2001
INDUSTRIAL GRAIN STORAGE PLANTS AT 5 DIFFERENT SITES Design and Detailing The structural design and detailing services of Grain Storage Plants, made of structural steel, were provided for Erkem Insaat.   ERKEM INSAAT 2001
INDUSTRIAL AYTAR SOYA PLANT Design and Detailing The structural design and detailing services of  Multi-Story Factory Building of Aytar Soy Plant and a Mixed-Use Building, made of structural steel, were provided for Temsan. IZMIR TEMSAN A.S. 2001
INDUSTRIAL MILL EQUIPMENT PLATFORM Design and Detailing The structural design and detailing services of Mill Equipment Platform, made of structural steel, were provided for ASO. ALGERIA ASO LTD. 2001
INDUSTRIAL TOMATO PROCESSING PLANT Design and Detailing The structural design and detailing services  of, 2 connected Warehouse and Production Hall buildings of Tomato Processing Plant, made of structural steel, were provided for Prekons Insaat. TURKMENISTAN PREKONS INSAAT SANAYI A.S. 2001
INDUSTRIAL THREAD PLANT (ASHGABAT / KIZILARVAT / GAPPAHTA) Design and Detailing The structural design and detailing services of a Textile Factory in Ashgabat, made of structural steel, were provided for Calik Holding. ASHGABAT CALIK HOLDING 2001
INDUSTRIAL ISTANBUL PENDIK SHIPYARD Design and Detailing The structural design and detailing services of 7 various sized structures such as Hangar, Warehouse, Factory and Office Buildings with a total area of 31270 m² in Istanbul Pendik Shipyard, made of structural steel, were provided for Yalcin Teknik. ISTANBUL YALCIN TEKNIK A.S. 2001
INDUSTRIAL KIRIKKALE 130 MW ELECTRIC POWER PLANT Design and Detailing The structural design and detailing services of Turbine Foundations and Drainage System of Kirikkale Thermal Power Station, made of structural steel and reinforced concrete, were provided for Barmek-Gama Corporation. KIRIKKALE BARMEK/GAMA IS ORTAKLIGI 2001
INDUSTRIAL KIRIKKALE 130 MW ELECTRIC POWER PLANT Design and Build The structural design, detailing and erection services of Steam Turbine Building 130 MW Power Station, made of structural steel and reinforced concrete, were provided for Barmek-Gama Corporation. KIRIKKALE BARMEK/GAMA IS ORTAKLIGI 2001
INDUSTRIAL ENKA-BECHTEL MULTIPURPOSE WORKSHOP Design and Detailing The structural design and detailing services of 810 m² Workshop Building with Crane, made of strucutural steel, were provided for Prekons. IZMIR PREKONS INSAAT SANAYI A.S. 2001
INDUSTRIAL MIGROS WAREHOUSING FACILITY Design and Detailing The structural design and detailing services of 60000 m² Migros Storage Warehouse, made of structural steel, were provided for Temsan. GEBZE TEMSAN A.S. 2001
INDUSTRIAL UNYE CEMENT EXTENSION PROJECT Design and Detailing The structural design and detailing services of Extensions of Unye Cement Factory, made of structural steel, were provided for Gama. ORDU GAMA A.S. 2002
INDUSTRIAL BAYRAMALI THREAD PLANT Design and Detailing The structural design and detailing services of Textile Factory in Bayramli, made of structural steel, were provided for Bisas. TURKMENISTAN BISAS 2002
INDUSTRIAL MERMER, SILVAN, SIVAS, CORUM TMO GRAIN SILOS Design and Detailing The structural design and detailing services of TMO Grain Silos, made of structural steel, were provided for Erkem Insaat. SIVAS ERKEM INSAAT 2003
INDUSTRIAL AS WAREHOUSE NO: 2 Design and Detailing The structural, architectural, mechanical and electrical design & document and detailing services of 5000 m² AS Warehouse Building, made of structural steel and reinforced concrete, were provided for AS Beton-Temsan. GEBZE AS BETON INS. A.S.TEMSAN A.S. 2003
INDUSTRIAL ASHGABAT SILK PROCESSING FACTORY Design and Detailing The structural design and detailing services of Akpol 3 Silk Processing Factory Buildings in Ashgabat, made of structural steel, were provided for Temsan. ASHGABAT TEMSAN A.S. 2003
INDUSTRIAL ASHGABAT COLD STORAGE PLANT Design and Detailing The structural design and detailing services of Ashgabat Cold Storage Plant, made of structural steel, were provided for Temsan. ASHGABAT TEMSAN A.S. 2003
INDUSTRIAL ASHGABAT BOTTLED WATER PLANT Design and Detailing The structural design and detailing services of Erku Bottled Water Plant Building Project, made of structural steel, were provided for Temsan. ASHGABAT TEMSAN A.S. 2003
INDUSTRIAL AZZAWIA REFINERY Consultancy The structural cost estimation consultancy services of rehabilitation of Azzawia Refinery Project, made of structural steel, were provided for Gama. LIBYA GAMA A.S. 2003
INDUSTRIAL BAKU CEYHAN PIPELINE Design and Detailing The structural design and detailing services of steel pipe rack bridges for Baku Ceyhan Pipeline , made of structural steel, were provided for Temsan. GEORGIA TEMSAN A.S. 2003
INDUSTRIAL PUMP FACTORY Design and Detailing The detailing services of Pump Factory in Benghazi, made of structural steel, were provided for Temsan. LIBYA TEMSAN A.S. 2003
INDUSTRIAL BP-IN AMENAS PROJECT Detailing The structural design and consultancy services of Callidus Hp and Lp Project, made of structural steel, were provided for Gama. ALGERIA GAMA A.S. 2003
INDUSTRIAL FNSS WAREHOUSE Design and Detailing The structural design and detailing services of FNNS 950 m² Warehouse Building in Golbasi, made of structural steel, were provided for Nurol Makina. ANKARA NUROL MAKINA SAN. TIC. A.S. 2003
INDUSTRIAL GREAT MABRUK GASP PROJECT Consultancy The cost estimation consultancy services of Great Mabruk Gasp Project, made of structural steel, were provided for Gama. LIBYA GAMA A.S. 2003
INDUSTRIAL HACIBEKTAS GRAIN SILOS Design and Detailing The structural design and detailing services of Grain Silos in Hacibektas, made of structural steel, were provided for Atlas Holding. NEVSEHIR ATLAS HOLDING 2003
INDUSTRIAL PULP FACTORY Design and Detailing The structural design and detailing services of Pulp Factory, made of structural steel, were provided for Calik Holding. TURKMENISTAN CALIK HOLDING 2003
INDUSTRIAL CANADA BRIGHTON BEACH BOILER SUPPORT Detailing The detailing services of Brighton Beach Boiler Support Project in Canada, made of structural steel, were provided for Gama. CANADA GAMA A.S. 2003
INDUSTRIAL ULKER BABY FOOD FACTORY Design and Detailing The structural design and detailing services of Ulker Baby Food Factory, made of structural steel, were provided for Ulker. ANKARA ULKER 2003
INDUSTRIAL MONEY POINT POWER PLANT Consultancy The Cost Estimation Consultancy Services of FGD and SGD of Money Point PowerPlant, made of structural steel, were provided for Gama. IRELAND GAMA A.S. 2003
INDUSTRIAL NUH CEMENT PLANT Design and Detailing The structural design and detailing services of Nuh Cement Plant, made of structural steel, were provided for Gama. KOCAELI GAMA A.S. 2003
INDUSTRIAL WIND FARM POLES Design and Detailing The structural design and detailing services of Wind Farm Test Poles, made of structural steel, were provided for Ezse Enerji. IZMIR EZSE ENERJI LTD STI 2003
INDUSTRIAL SAFI GYPSUM PLANT Design and Detailing The structural design and detailing services of Gypsum Plant, made of structural steel, were provided for Damsan. MOROCCO DAMSAN A.S. 2003
INDUSTRIAL VESTEL WHITE GOODS PLANT Design and Detailing The structural design and detailing services of Vestel White Goods Plant Multipurpose Indoor Platforms and their foundation, made of steel structure and reinforced concrete, were provided for Vestel. MANISA VESTEL BEYAZ ESYA SANAYI VE TICARET A.S.  MANISA 2004
INDUSTRIAL AALBORG KAYSERI POWER PLANT Detailing The structural detailing services of Aalborg Kayseri Power Plant, made of structural steel, were provided for Nurol Makina. KAYSERI NUROL MAKINA SAN. TIC. A.S. 2004
INDUSTRIAL CUMRA SUGAR FACTORY POWER PLANT Design and Detailing The structural, architectural, mechanical and electrical design and detailing services of 2 x 8 MW Power Plant for Cumra Sugar Factory, made of structural steel, were provided for Gama Guc Sistemleri. KONYA GAMA GUC SISTEMLERI MUH. VE TAAH. A.S. 2004
INDUSTRIAL DOHA REFINERY Detailing The structural ducting design and  detailing services of 150Hf002 Heater Platform for Qatar Gtl Plant, made of structural steel, were provided for Gama. QATAR GAMA A.S. 2004
INDUSTRIAL LAGOS FLOUR FACTORY Design and Detailing The structural design and detailing services of Lagos Flour Factory and Grain Silos, made of structural steel, were provided for Temsan. NIGERIA TEMSAN A.S. 2004
BRIDGE BLUE NILE EL-MEK-NIMIR HIGHWAY BRIDGE Detailing The structural detailing of Blue Nile El-Mek-Nimir Highway Bridge, made of structural steel, were provided for Onermak. SUDAN ONERMAK A.S. 2005
INDUSTRIAL AFYON CEMENT FACTORY Design and Detailing The structural design and detailing services of Cement Factory, made of structural steel and reinforced concrete, were provided for  Set Cimento. AFYON SET CIMENTO 2005
INDUSTRIAL AS WAREHOUSE NO: 3 Design and Detailing The structural, architectural, mechanical and electrical design and detailing services  of 11000 m² Warehouse Building, made of structural steel and reinforced concrete, were provided for As Beton. GEBZE AS BETON INS. A.S.TEMSAN A.S. 2005
INDUSTRIAL AVON PLASTIC AUTOMOBILE PARTS FACTORY Design and Detailing The structural, architectural, mechanical and electrical design and detailing services of 11700 m² Avon Plastic Automobile Parts Factory Building, made of structural steel and reinforced concrete, were provided for Temsan, Yaltem and Avon. GEBZE TEMSAN A.S.-YALTEM AS.-AVON KAUCUK INT. 2005
INDUSTRIAL ISKO INEGOL 70.000 m² TEXTILE COMPLEX Design and Detailing The structural design and detailing services of Isko 70000 m² Textile Complex, made of structural steel, were provided for Onermak. INEGOL ONERMAK A.S. 2005
INDUSTRIAL YAMAMA CEMENT FACTORY Design and Detailing The structural design and detailing of Yamama Cement Factory, made of structural steel and reinforced concrete, were provided for Gama Saudİ Arabia. SAUDI ARABIA GAMA SAUDI AL. 2005
INDUSTRIAL ANKARA METRO TUNNEL Design and Detailing The structural design and detailing services of Baskent Street – Mesa Station, made of structural steel, were provided for Guris. ANKARA GURIS A.S. 2006
INDUSTRIAL ISDEMIR STEEL STACK Design and Detailing The structural design and detailing services of 65 m Steel Stack and Foundation Design, Vibration & TMD Evaluation, made of structural steel, were provided for Mimag. ISKENDERUN MIMAG A.S. 2006
INDUSTRIAL CEMENT FACTORY Design and Detailing The structural design and detailing services of Cement Factory for pollution prevention system, made of structural steel, were provided for Bastas. KONYA BAŞTAŞ A.S. 2006
INDUSTRIAL STEEL STRUCTURE PREMICES Design and Detailing The structural design and detailing services of 16000 m² Manufacturing and Paint Factory, Dye-house, Crane Roads etc., made of structural steel, were provided for Nurol Makina. QATAR NUROL MAKINA SAN. TIC. A.S. 2006
INDUSTRIAL ILERI ELEKTRONIK KIMYA COPPER PIPE FACTORY Design and Detailing The structural design and detailing services of the Roof of Ileri Elektronik Kimya Copper Pipe Factory, made of sinusoidally perforated structural steel  beams, were provided for Bant Boru. GEBZE BANT BORU 2007
INDUSTRIAL CONVEYOR BRIDGES FOR FOOD STORAGE PLANT Design and Detailing The structural design and detailing services of Modular Conveyor Bridges with a total length of 2200 m, made of structural steel, were provided for ABF Findik. TRABZON-ZONGULDAK ABF FINDIK 2007
INDUSTRIAL 6×500 TON/DAY FLOUR MILL Design and Detailing The structural design and detailing services of six 500 ton/day Flour Factories, Silos, Warehouses, made of structural steel, were provided for Temsan. NIGERIA TEMSAN A.S. 2007
INDUSTRIAL ALEPPO CEMENT FACTORY Detailing The detailing services of clinker storage and cement mill of Aleppo Cement Factory, made of structural steel, were provided for Gama. ALEPPO GAMA A.S. 2007
INDUSTRIAL PIPE RACK INSIDE AN EXISTING FACTORY Design and Detailing The structural design and detailing services of 600 m Pipe Bridges, made of structural steel, were provided for Gama. RABIGH GAMA A.S. 2007
BRIDGE AL HALFAIA BRIDGE Detailing The structural detailing of 910 m Al-Halfaia Bridge linking Hattana to Halfaia over the Nile River, made of structural steel, were provided for Yapi Merkezi. SUDAN YAPI MERKEZİ 2008
INDUSTRIAL BALIKESIR CEMENT FACTORY Design and Detailing The structural design and detailing services of Balikesir Cement Factory, made of structural steel and reinforced concrete, were provided for Set Cimento. BALIKESIR SET CMNTENTO 2008
INDUSTRIAL ANKARA CEMENT FACTORY Design and Detailing The structural design and detailing services of Ankara Cement Factory, made of structural steel and reinforced concrete, were provided for Set Cimento. ANKARA SET CIMENTO 2008
INDUSTRIAL MENGE DAM POWERHOUSE BUILDING Consultancy The structural consultancy services for peer review of Menge Dam Powerhouse Building, made of structural steel, were provided for Enerjisa. ADANA ENERJISA A.S. 2010
INDUSTRIAL KOLUMAN TRAILER PRODUCTION FACILITIES Design The structural design services of 79.000 m2 Koluman Trailer Production Facilities were provided for Koluman Construction Company. 12 m high overhead cranes are supported by 44 m steel trusses. TARSUS KOLUMAN 2015
INDUSTRIAL LUSAIL MARINA INTERCHANGE Design and Detailing Design and detailing of 62 types of freeform steel beams for Lusail Marina Interchange in Qatar. More than 24.000 drawings are prepared for this extremely complicated steel structure. DOHA SOLB26 2016